Thursday, February 10, 2011


Libra – The Scales (September 24 – October 23)

Libra Characteristics
*  Strong - Willed, determined, stubborn, complex, and secretive with more skeletons in their closet (imagined or real) than anybody else.
* They are very civilized with elegance, good taste and charm and mostly good looking.
* They are good at resolving conflicts by compromising, sometimes settling at their own disadvantage.
* They are romantics, to the extent of indulging in promiscuity.
* They are skilled at communicating.
* They are objective and just but abhor conflict and will give in just to keep the peace.


  1. eeee....

    betol laa :)

  2. hehe...
    thanks.. ;)

    perli ke puji?

    mrs teddy pn..baek ngat ngn mr teddy :)
